You’ve probably heard the saying “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” The truth is, most people do not meet their best selves inside of comfortable routine. Sometimes, it takes getting on a plane and building a life in a place you have never been before. For particularly wild, stubborn souls, sometimes it takes getting on a lot of planes and building a life in motion along the road.

Have you started to feel less like a real person, and more like a work horse? A change of pace is probably in order.
No one can tell you how to do it or what to do when you get there, but if you’re out there searching “quitting my job to travel,” your soul is looking for some wind in the hair and sand between the toes. Get off the internet and get to packing! You’ll be glad you took the plunge.
What to expect when you quit your job to travel
Stage 1: Denial
“Am I really quitting my job to travel?!”
As a defense mechanism, the brain refuses to believe in the possibility of plans that have never seemed possible before. Pushing through this phase is the beginning of a beautiful journey toward believing in yourself and the endless opportunities you can create. Yes, brain, I am really quitting my job to travel.
Stage 2: Preparation
“Okay. Down to business. What do I need to know before I go.”
Just because you don’t have a backup plan doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan. Now that you’re free of the nine to five grind, and the future stretches before you, how do you want to spend the next few months (let’s take this one step at a time)? Think, dream, research, make lists, book tickets. These are the first steps toward traveling intentionally.
Here’s a handy list of resources to get you started:
- Make a MyGoAbroad account and compare job opportunities abroad;
- Read up on your options for work overseas (you’ll need some moolah to finance your adventures!);
- Not ready for a long-term commitment? Check out the best places to find a seasonal jobs abroad or the top volunteer programs abroad; or
- Explore adventure travel programs, and start this new stage of your life with an adrenaline boost!

Here’s a test: does this office space bring you joy? Or fill you with dread? If it’s the latter, you gotta get out, friend.
Stage 3: FREAK OUT
“WHAT DID I JUST DO? This was a horrible idea. I’m going to be homeless and unemployed forever!”
Let’s not pretend that taking big risks isn’t scary, because it is. Quitting my job to travel the world meant leaving everything behind for an uncertain future. If you don’t have an existential crisis or two about it, you probably haven’t thought it through. Just ride the wave; you’ll remember why you made this decision in no time.
Stage 4: Diving in
“I am going to travel the world! Magic! Fireworks! Delicious food.”
When the existential crisis subsides, hop on the plane. To cushion the landing, give one of these stellar programs a try:
If none of these programs sound like you, check out ALL of our opportunities to work abroad.
Stage 5: Thriving
“Take that, office job! Look at all the doors that have opened to me since I left you.”
This is the equivalent of going through a messy breakup only to find your soulmate. You will look back on your ex with pity (for them) and gratitude (to yourself). Life can be so much more than the rat race and a cubicle, and you know that now.
If it sounds like a wild ride, it is! That’s a guarantee. But, it’s also an incredible journey worth every bump in the road.
Get matched with your perfect job abroad.

Putting in your two weeks and hopping a plane isn’t the pipe dream it sounds like.
Why quitting my job to travel was the best decision I ever made
I learned things I never dreamed of.
Travel is the best teacher, because it gives knowledge a human face. Not only will you discover more about yourself than you ever cared to know, you’ll also uncover critical life skills that never presented themselves as necessary back home. Ever fixed the plumbing in an island bungalow? Mimed your way through a philosophical conversation? Grown and lived off of food from your own garden? Changed a tire on a desolate roadside? Be prepared for a whole lotta learnin’.
There’s an unsung irony to it, but first and foremost, travelers learn about themselves on the road. In one place, it’s easy to blame personality quirks on the office environment or the friend group you’ve had since high school. Out there in the big wide world, the scenery is always shifting. You become the only constant in your life, which leads to plenty of self-discovery. Both brilliant and less flattering traits will bubble up to the surface in the wild range of experiences that travel invariably throws your way.
Don’t worry, though. You’re not on this adventure alone. Your travels will be enriched by a colorful cast of characters, who will become trusted teachers, friends, collaborators, and allies. There’s nothing like traveling to unveil the depths of human generosity.
The possibilities feel — and kinda are — endless.
When you step off of the path that you’ve been following for years – perhaps your entire adult life – a world of new possibilities will reveal themselves to you. Open a pop-up restaurant in Argentina. Sell handmade jewelry out of a campervan. Learn to speak Chinese and become an interpreter. Start an online business and #beyourownboss. Invent a gadget that is missing from the world. Let your imagination soar.

Ahhhh, now THIS view brings us lots of joy, how about you?
My home is still there.
“One-way ticket” is a misnomer. Wherever you go is on the way to somewhere else, and if you keep going far enough, sometimes you end up right back where you started. Yes, someone else will take over your desk and rent your apartment. Yes, you sold your stuff. But, planes fly both directions, and if you decide the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants travel life is not for you, you and your resume will find a new desk. Companies value international experience, knowledge of foreign languages, and travel planning skills, which means you’ll be well-equipped to re-enter the nine to five world, if you so choose.
If, on the other hand, the traveling life is everything you ever dreamed it would be, that doesn’t mean you can’t come home either. Quitting your job to travel is a lifestyle choice. Nothing is stopping you from coming back for a visit when the occasion arises, then heading for the airport when wanderlust recaptures you.
I was challenged to "CARPE DIEM."
“Seize the day,” for those who don’t speak Latin or haven’t seen season five of Gilmore Girls. In other words: you only live once. Stop making excuses to grind the wheels of routine. Stop following the path laid out for you if you don’t feel fulfilled.
Try this helpful thought experiment: Imagine yourself at 85, looking back on your life. Will you most regret taking a giant leap of faith to explore the world or staying put to continue living a life that doesn’t inspire you? Quitting your job to travel is a gift to your present and future selves. Dare to be that 85-year-old filled with stories of exotic landscapes and beautiful people from around the world. Your grandchildren will thank you.
Because it feels right.
Just as skydiving and super spicy hot sauce are not for everyone, neither is quitting one’s job to travel the world. There are so many perfectly beautiful ways to live a full life, and if you’ve been reading along thinking “But I love my job and my hometown! I’m doing important things here. I can’t just pack up and bounce!” That’s great too. Just know that you can pack up and bounce. The road is always open, waiting to be explored.
The “quitting my job to travel” narrative is about agency. It’s about having the power to choose what kind of life you want to live. Which makes it just as important for those who are dying to get on the next plane as those who aren’t – because it means your life and livelihood are yours. Choices, rather than hand-me-downs.
Sometimes the strangest choice is just want you need. If the idea of leaving everything to try something new is equal parts terrifying and inspiring, don’t let fear hold you back.

Reclaim passion. Reclaim your life. Work and travel abroad!
3 popular ways to make working abroad go smoothly (and great programs, too!)
Whatever your chosen field or previous professional experience, there is surely an international job waiting for you. These three popular jobs abroad might make it that much easier for you to take the plunge and say, “That’s it! I’m quitting my job to travel!”
1. Become an Au Pair
If a spoonful of sugar is your specialty, becoming an au pair abroad will be the perfect job placement for you. Families abroad are especially looking for native English speakers to work as live-in child care and tutor their kiddos in English. The added perks of included housing and most meals ain’t too shabby either. This is a great way to work and travel at the same time.
Recommended programs:
- ImmerQi — Read Org reviews | Visit their site
- LoPair — Read LoPair reviews
- See all au pair jobs abroad
2. Teach English Abroad
If you’re looking for a career that will allow you to keep traveling and living abroad for longer periods of time, teaching English abroad is your ticket outta town. It’s the perfect “quitting my job to travel” career move. With so many great places to explore and so many countries looking for qualified teachers, you’re sure to have a lifelong love affair with travel and teaching.
Recommended programs:
- International TEFL Academy — Read International TEFL Academy reviews | Visit their site
- Premier TEFL — Read Premier TEFL reviews | Visit their site
- See all teaching jobs abroad

You’re not leaving anything behind, but you are starting something new. Don’t you think it’s time?
3. Work in Hospitality
If you’re all about oceanside pools, glistening, marble-decked lobbies, and Michelin stars, you don’t need a concierge to recommend working in hospitality. Working in hospitality abroad is a great way to travel, live in some pretty sweet digs, and meet people from all over the world.
Recommended programs:
“Quitting my job to travel” doesn't have to be a fantasy — live your best life, now.
Give yourself permission to live differently. Quit, hop on a plane, throw yourself into a new world wherever you land. Your dreams are only steps away, if you’re willing to take a chance on them.