10 Bad Reasons Not to Take a Gap Year

10 Bad Reasons Not to Take a Gap Year

Megan Lee
Last Updated Jul 02, 2024

Exploring the reasons not to take a gap year—and flipping ‘em on their head. ☆ Have you ever been in a Gap? The khakis. The muzak version of all your favorite indie/alternative hits. The faceless mannequins. Did we mention the khakis? No wonder you’re terrified! We are, too! A life so bland as to be spent shopping for polos at the GAP?

Wait—So, you’re telling me this isn’t about the store the Gap? Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh. My bad.

teen feet, vans sneakers and brightly colored socks

You’re fresh out of high school and worried about landing on your feet— there’s a gap (year program) for that.

Wait, again—You’re afraid of taking a GAP YEAR? Well, now that’s just silly! There’s nothing to be super-duper afraid of when embarking on this next, most amazing stage of your life… 

While the reasons not to take a gap year aren't unfounded (cost, disinterest, lack of passport, need your blankey, etc.), they shouldn’t hold so much weight that you opt to skip taking a gap year entirely. The secret to these reasons is actually rooted in some of your concerns or fears—and we get it! Your anxiety isn’t totally baseless. A gap year will double as a new endeavor, and thus, it's a little bit scary.

But, ultimately, GoAbroad knows what’s what when it comes to taking a gap year, and even though taking a leap like this can be a little nerve-wracking, it shouldn’t hold you back from following your travel dreams. Those negative effects of gap years you’ve been hearing so much about aren’t nearly as catastrophic as they sound. Here are common gap year fears and reasons not to take a gap year, but also why you should push through the fright (it’s good for you!).

Potential—but unlikely—cons of taking a gap year

Who isn’t afraid of a little insecurity, a lot of culture shock, and a big ol’ life change? Here’s why you shouldn’t let these silly, nagging little fears get the best of you. 

1. You won’t make any friends.

It’s totally natural to feel apprehensive about striking out on your own on a gap year. After all, selfies get old, plus it’s nice to share the experience with some lifelong friends. Everyone embarking on their gap year will be in the same (solo) boat, which is a great foundation for nervous conversation that turns into fits of laughter. Much like starting college or a new job requires you to dig deep for a wee bit of bravery, so too does your gap year adventure—but it’s temporary, and you’ll be wondering how you lived life without these amazing people before you know it.

2. You haven’t planned anything, and fear it’s too late.

Really? This is on your list of reasons not to take a gap year? Pfffft. You can do a gap year even if the words “forward” and “planner” don’t really describe you. Many organizations will accept last-minute applicants, especially if you are building your own gap year versus going with a formal, multi-month program. You can find last minute work away programs, language schools with your nombre on them, or volunteer projects keen for more helping hands. While you might pay a premium on travel logistics like flight tickets and express visas, the added cost will feel worth its weight in gold once you’re abroad, kicking ass and living your best life.

[We’ll help you start planning—get matched with gap year programs]

two teens taking a selfie

Pffft. Won’t make any friends on a gap year.

3. Planning sucks in general.

We totally get it. Planning can be an incredibly daunting task—from picking a program, to figuring out how to pay for it, to announcing your decision to family and friends… and that’s all before we’ve even tackled the packing list (which you, for sure, need a ton of new gear).

Instead of fearing the planning process, look at it as the actual start of your gap year adventure! You’re doing a gap year to learn a ton of new stuff and push yourself, right? That doesn’t have to start once you’re actually abroad. Sit down with someone (Moms and Dads are great for this, but anyone who supports your ventures will do!) and lay out a game plan. Ask this person to help you stay accountable to your goals, and to pitch in when you ask for help.

4. The cost. Barf.

Yuck! If only we could travel the world for free, huh? The thing about paying for a gap year—and why it seems so costly—is because we haven’t grown up being told that a gap year is worth the investment in the same way we’ve been told for college. We encourage you to think of your gap year as an extension of your higher education. It can lead to a more productive collegiate experience (if you opt for that route when you return), but it will certainly lead to a more fulfilled and intentional life.

While this is one of the most cited reasons not to take a gap year, remember that the cost can be subsidized by travel scholarships and grants, or by shopping smartly for different program options (yes, the price tag varies considerably between companies, experiences, and level of services). Educate yourself on the different program options and decide which program best intersects “value” and “cost” for your gap year goals. Make a savings plan and a budget for your travel. Get creative in collecting funds for the experience, and trust that the investment will be worth it.

[How to Get Scholarships to Study Abroad without Wasting Your Time]

5. You won’t be ready for college, even in a year.

Some of us just aren’t meant to go to college—and that’s okay! Even though we’ve been told our whole life that college is the only route to success, it’s simply not true. And that’s the beauty of the gap year; traveling at this stage of life will allow you to question many of the “norms” and “truths” you’ve been fed, and then come to your own personal decision.

You might not be ready for a college in a year, but you’ll hopefully be much closer to knowing your true north by that point. That could mean more travel, getting a job, volunteering long term, checking out a couple classes at a community college. It can look a lot of ways, actually. That’s what happens when you take your own life into your hands—you get to design one that reflects your values and interests. And it’s awesome.

And, someday, if you do decide you are ready to try on university life, that school will likely snatch up someone as mature and goal-oriented as you lickety-split!

woman lying on bed typing on laptop

There’s no such thing as being “behind” anymore. So pack your bags, and get a different kind of education.

6. You’ll be behind.

This is a big one. We get it, It can be hard to imagine all of your friends going off to school and experiencing their “college firsts” without you, or to fast-forward a few years to all of your friends graduating while you’re still picking your senior seminar. While the fear of graduating as a graying adult is (semi) valid, this shouldn’t be a fear that keeps you from following through with your dream.

When you eventually make it to college, you’ll be that chill, inspirational, and totally badass person who just took a year off to travel. Think how much more interesting your small talk at new club call-outs will be! And, eventually, you’ll be one of few of your friends who can go the bar. Which makes you even more cool. (Just don’t buy alcohol for minors, k?).

Also—you can get insight from your besties about what NOT to do in college. No need to repeat their mistakes, and they’ll be full of advice to make your first year a breeze.

You’re done with high school—there’s no such thing as being behind anymore. And gap year disadvantages are far outweighed by the advantages. As an adult, you can start to think more critically about your path rather than auto-piloting through the one required of you in your youth.

7. Employers will doubt the legitimacy of your “year off.”

Here’s another one of those gap year “disadvantages” that is really going to benefit you in the long run. So stop that nervous sweating—your gap year can actually HELP your job prospects rather than hinder them. That comes with one major caveat, though. This is dependent on whether you used your gap year productively or not. Sorry folks, simply traveling, lying on beaches, hitting up hookah bars… that doesn’t cut it. You have to use your gap year to invest in developing new (competitive) skills for yourself—and you have to know how to sell it to employers. If you can easily connect your travels to your ability to succeed in the role you’re applying for, then it’s an easy sell.

Depending on where you are in life (high school? College? mid-career?), this concern will likely hold more or less weight. But regardless of stage, your underlying goal—to invest in yourself and learn a hell of a lot—should never change.

8. You might put your overall safety in jeopardy.

The news isn’t doing us any favors when it comes to feeling comfortable as an international traveler. But don’t lose sleep over the impending doom of the planet from terrorism, natural disasters, or lax gun laws. We are actually living in the safest period of history ever (read this book for more details). You’ve probably heard it before, but you’re more likely to be severely injured driving your car around the corner from your home than getting eaten by a shark or getting bombed.

That being said, you still need to exercise some serious common sense when you travel. 

9. It's hard to take a different path.

There is a lot to be gained when you step off the well-worn trails of the high school-college-job-marriage-house-kids path pre-determined for you. But that doesn't mean it isn't hard—and that it doesn't make for the possibility of more challenging steps in the future. A non-traditional career or educational path usually means a non-traditional return to it (in case you eventually want that 9-5 job someday, which is totally legit!).

On the bright side, even the clear-cut path is laced with hard work and sacrifice, and when you take the leap to do something more adventurous with your time (like a gap year), you're going to have a hell of a lot more stories—and experiences to draw from—to convince someone you're the right person for the job.

10. What if I pick the wrong program?

It's true. You have to do some serious "window shopping" and program comparing to ultimately find the perfect gap year program for you. It is work, but it's not an overwhelming amount of work (especially if you #lifehack it by using MyGoAbroad). But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you choose to go abroad through a company like Carpe Diem Education or through a nine-month all inclusive experience like Winterline. It won't matter if you chose the semester or year option, or if you opted for New Zealand over Australia.

What matters is that you do it. All of these programs will give you top notch experiences, intense mentorship, and an exposure to a world you've yet to know. The power lies in YOU to make the overall program as potent and powerful as possible—they're just there to nudge you along.

Programs to help you overcome your gap year fears

Leave your fears in the GARBAGE where they belong. Instead, embark on one of these top-notch programs and take your year “on.” 

hip teen girl sitting on a rock at sunrise

If all else fails… do it for the Insta story.

impact gap year logo

1. Conserve the environment with Impact Gap Year

This is a gap year unlike any other! Impact Gap Year is all about skills-based education, so with every project you’ll be picking up new conservation skills. Now THAT is what we call a year “on!” Modern research procedures? Check. Conservation methods? Double check. Animal monitoring? Triple check! The possibilities are endless with Impact Gap Year.

projects abroad logo

2. Volunteer for a year with Projects Abroad

Each year, Projects Abroad sends 10,000 volunteers abroad to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on the world. With a wide range of projects and causes to choose from, there’s no way you “waste” your gap year with Project Abroad. Dedicate your gap year to service and we guarantee you’ll get just as much as you give.

carpe diem education logo

3. Pick a region to travel with Carpe Diem Education

Carpe Diem has been running experiential travel programs for as long as you’ve been alive—possibly longer! So, it’s safe to say they know what their doing. With programs across the globe, Carpe Diem wants to show you a whole new world outside the traditional classroom. With Carpe Diem, you’ll travel with a group of students that become your family, learn a little about yourself, and a lot about the world around you.

academic programs international logo

4. Jump into a gap year with Academic Programs International 

You can still earn college credit in your gap year. What’s that? One more time for the people in the back? YOU CAN STILL EARN CREDIT ON YOUR GAP YEAR with API. Since you were a twinkle in your parents’ eyes, API has been offering affordable, high-quality international programs. And with so many programs and locations to choose from, you just can’t go wrong.

maximo nivel logo

5. Learn a new language with Maximo Nivel

Maximo Nivel is all about providing authentic language immersion experiences that help you develop cross-cultural leadership skills. Language skills + leadership skills = future success! With programs in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru, the opportunities to perfect your foreign language skills are endless.

silhouette of a guy jumping in Cape Town, South Africa

Just jump right into your gap year! You won’t regret it.

Additional resources 

With those silly little fears so far behind you, now, and your gap year ahead of you...Now what? Well, all that planning you were so nervous about? Well, it’s time to start that. Take a breath, and check out these resources. Planning your gap year will be a cinch.

Now you’re all geared up for your gap year. We can’t wait to see what you accomplish. 

Mind your gap—taking a gap year is the right call

See, there’s really nothing to be afraid of. Shopping at the GAP is definitely way scarier than taking a gap year. At least on a gap year you won’t have to make polite small talk with a lonely salesperson!

You’re in for a year of serious self-discovery and world exploration. Once it’s over, you’ll wonder what you were ever so scared of, and be dying to do it again.

Explore ALL Gap Year Programs on GoAbroad.com

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Originally Published on Oct 20, 2017

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