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German Courses in Freiburg, Germany

Alpadia provides international students with the ultimate immersion experience in Germany. From start to finish, they can best customize their experience depending on their desired length of stay and language goals. They can choose from an array of German courses from Standard, Intensive, Exam Preparation to Private, with immersion activities (city sightseeing, movie nights, cooking classes, excursions, and many more organized by the school). Alpadia also specializes in University Pat...

French Courses in Lyon - The City of Lights

Take French courses in a beautiful 19th-century building on the banks of the Rhone in Lyon, France. Students will find themselves in the festive and cultural downtown core of the city. From start to finish, students are allowed to best customize their experience depending on the desired length of stay and language goals. They can choose from an array of French courses (Standard, Intensive, Exam Preparation, and Private with immersion activities (city sightseeing, movie nights, cooking cla...