University of Haifa International School
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University of Haifa International School (UHIS)

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Why choose University of Haifa International School (UHIS)?

Students from more than 40 countries around the world come to study at the University of Haifa International School in programs that are unique in their integrated approach towards the international student. The university is an inspiring cultural mosaic, with a harmonious population of diverse cultures and students. Students can choose to study from a wide variety of courses taught in English in ...

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University of Haifa International School (UHIS) Programs

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Meet Natalie
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Study at University of Haifa International School in Haifa

The International School is an integral part of the University of Haifa. As a student in the International School you will be joining students fr...

hand writing
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Intensive July and August Hebrew Languages Studies in Haifa

Haifa is Israel's third largest city and one of the most beautiful. The University of Haifa has a diverse student body, with a mixture of Jews, C...

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Hebrew Intensive Winter Program in Haifa

Take this opportunity to study Hebrew at the University of Haifa, together with students from different parts of the globe! Enroll in the Intensi...

Hebrew Online Course
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July Intensive Hebrew Online Courses

This online intensive Hebrew course at the University of Haifa International School is designed for students who want to immerse themselves in an...

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Gap Semester/Year - University of Haifa International School

The International School is an integral part of the University of Haifa. As a student at the International School, you will be joining students f...

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Dr. Miryam Sivan

Interviewed in 2015


What inspired you to travel abroad?

My story is a little bit more complicated than an American Jew making Aliyah for ideological and/or religious reasons. I’m a daughter of Israelis who moved to New York in the early 1950s. I spent childhood summers in Tel Aviv and have a large and loving family in Israel. I also knew Hebrew before arriving. Still, from all my parents' large circle of friends in New York, there is only one other 'child of Israelis' that moved back, so to speak, to Israel. So in some way, my decision to leave my home in New York was as much a choice of will and devotion as it is for any non-Israeli American Jew.

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University of Haifa International School (UHIS)

University of Haifa International School (UHIS)


Ready to Learn More?

Students from more than 40 countries around the world come to study at the University of Haifa International School in programs that are unique in their integrated approach towards the international student. The university is an inspiring cultural mosaic, with a harmonious population of diverse cultures and students. Students can choose to study from a wide variety of courses taught in English in the fields of Arabic Language and Culture, Archaeology, Business, Communications, Economics, Hebrew, History, International Relations, Law, Literature, Peace and Conflict Studies, and Political Science. We also offer the opportunity to integrate career-related internships for international students during their studies. At the International School, students discover new interests and people, expan...