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Smithsonian Student Travel

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Why choose Smithsonian Student Travel?

Smithsonian Student Travel provides opportunities for high school students to expand their knowledge and cultural awareness of the world through immersive summer travel programs, both in the U.S. and overseas. Together with peers who share similar interests, experienced trip leaders, and Smithsonian Student Travel Experts who join the program at certain points, students engage in exciting and educ...

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Smithsonian Student Travel

Smithsonian Student Travel


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Smithsonian Student Travel provides opportunities for high school students to expand their knowledge and cultural awareness of the world through immersive summer travel programs, both in the U.S. and overseas. Together with peers who share similar interests, experienced trip leaders, and Smithsonian Student Travel Experts who join the program at certain points, students engage in exciting and educational activities that allow them to view the world through the lens of the Smithsonian. These programs range from 14 to 19 days and are centered around a specific theme, such as aerospace, art history, architecture, or ancient cultures, while also providing students with a deeper understanding of the history, culture, cuisine, language, and environment of their destination. Destinations offered ...