Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA)
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Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA)

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Why choose Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA)?

Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA) serves as a free resource for students interested in international educational experiences. Based in the USA, NPSA is a useful tool in reviewing programs worldwide, learning about useful resources to assist in self-arranging, and booking a study abroad program directly with the school. This website is a "one-stop-shop" for study abroad and is updated on a regular bas...

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Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA) Programs

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Non-Profit, Low Cost, Direct Study in France

Study abroad in France and immerse yourself in the country’s elegance and romantic culture. NPSA connects you to a broad range of non-profit, low...

00 reviews
Non-Profit, Low Cost, Direct Study in England

The Buckingham Palace. Big Ben. The London Eye. Stonehenge. Visit these amazing places (and more!) while studying in England! Enroll in your chos...

00 reviews
Non-Profit, Low Cost, Direct Study in Scotland

Travel to the country of 30,000 lochs – Scotland! NPSA connects you to non-profit, low-cost, direct study programs. These academic-type programs ...

00 reviews
Non-Profit, Low Cost, Direct Study in Ireland

Whether it’s culturally rich Galway or vibrant capital Dublin, you’ll have a wonderful time studying in Ireland! Choose from non-profit, low-cost...

00 reviews
Non-Profit, Low-Cost, Direct Study in Italy

See different sides of Italy while studying at an Italian school or university! Enroll in your chosen non-profit, low-cost, direct study program....

00 reviews
Non-Profit, Low-Cost, Direct Study in Germany

Get the chance to combine academic learning, cultural immersion, and travel in Germany! Choose from a range of non-profit, low-cost, direct study...

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Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA)

Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA)


Ready to Learn More?

Non-Profit Study Abroad (NPSA) serves as a free resource for students interested in international educational experiences. Based in the USA, NPSA is a useful tool in reviewing programs worldwide, learning about useful resources to assist in self-arranging, and booking a study abroad program directly with the school. This website is a "one-stop-shop" for study abroad and is updated on a regular basis. NPSA is run by volunteers with many years of experience in international education. Our mission is to provide a convenient site whereby programs can be reviewed and booked directly. Educating students to be smart about studying abroad, and go directly, saving them a bundle in the process. Study Abroad does not have to be so expensive, nor exclusive! This website gives students the informa...