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International Volunteer HQ [IVHQ]

9.54 (1,722)Verified188 Programs

Why choose International Volunteer HQ [IVHQ]?

International Volunteer HQ welcomes people from all walks of life to make a difference on an adventure of a lifetime. With 50+ destinations and over 300 projects, IVHQ offers the world’s most extensive range of fully-hosted volunteering programs, from teaching and childcare to wildlife conservation and medical volunteering. Our programs start from $20/day, enabling volunteers to immerse themse...

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International Volunteer HQ [IVHQ] Reviews

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Life changing experience!

by: Cynthia Aoun - LebanonProgram: Most Affordable Volunteering in Athens, Greece!

It was my first time volunteering abroad, and I only regret doing it for a short time. Giving back to society, and helping cook meals for the people in need, feels so rewarding. No matter how small, doing this can still go a long way and make an impact. I am extremely happy I got to do this and enjoy Athens at the same time. I can't wait to do it again!

lunch is served

First time in Argentina

by: Rich Franck - United StatesProgram: Community Volunteering in Cordoba, Argentina

I just finished my first volunteer trip with IVHQ. I do a lot of foreign travel on my own, which saves a lot of money. IVHQ is comparatively expensive to what I usually do, but was well managed and very enjoyable. The best part was being connected to the local family who hosted us. Rather than just being a tourist, I felt like I was a member of the family.

Disastrous experience with IVHQ in beautiful Kenya

by: Bianca E - United StatesProgram: Volunteer and Teach in Kenya

I recently had a disastrous experience with International Volunteer Headquarters (IVHQ) and their partners in Kenya (NVS). The program was advertised as supporting local schools, but I discovered that none of the volunteer fees actually benefit the community. Instead, the money seems to be retained by the organization. I was misled about the school schedule and left my 7-week trip early due to unforeseen school closures. Mr. Boniface promised a refund for 1 week, but disappeared and blocked my number. I traveled to Nairobi to meet him and he blocked me, waste of time!! Cleo also ignored my messages on WhatsApp. The only honest person I encountered was Johnson, who no longer works there, unsurprisingly. I strongly advise against using IVHQ or NVS in Kenya. They are SCAMS that EXPLOIT volunteers and local communities. If you’re considering international volunteering, stay far away from IVHQ. BEWARE!!

International Volunteer HQ [IVHQ] Programs

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Incredible Volunteering in Nepal: Costs from USD 250

Trusted by 120,000+ volunteers, IVHQ offers the world's most popular volunteer programs in Nepal and 50+ other destinations around the world. ...


Read interviews from alumni or staff

Laura Jelich

Participated in 2013


I actually didn't start out looking for ways to either volunteer or to get abroad. It was while job searching my senior year of college when I was getting slightly depressed thinking about sitting at a desk in an office all day every day that on a whim I started looking up opportunities working with animals (my true passion). I came across a volunteer program that advertised saving baby sea turtles in Costa Rica. Having never been out of the country by myself before, but thinking it sounded like the perfect fix to my sudden onset of turning-into-an-adult-anxiety, I decided to go for it! My plan was to get it out of my system so that I could happily settle into my professional career once I got home. That completely backfired, obviously, and my trip only ignited a newfound burning need to continue to travel as much as I can!

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Ben Brown

Interviewed in 2015


What inspired you to travel abroad?

Sustainability is fundamentally about balance. It’s about behaving in ways that enable a diverse range of stakeholders to succeed and flourish in the long-term. There are many elements to sustainable volunteering, but some of the aspects for a volunteer to consider include how transparent an organization is in terms of how they identify the projects they support, especially in relation to projects that involve children, the extent to which volunteers will be trained and supported to work with local people in a responsible way, and the ability of an organization to demonstrate the long term impact that their projects have had on supporting genuine community or environmental needs.

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Yesim Karasu

Participated in 2015


It was the end of my HSC and I was bitten by the travel bug. Cambodia was a place theoretically close to my heart, but I had never been there. I empathized deeply with the extreme poverty and corruption that existed there. That is what ultimately pushed me to apply.

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Check out awards and recognitions International Volunteer HQ [IVHQ] has received

Notable Mention - GoAbroad Top Rated Volunteer Abroad Providers 2024Top Rated Provider 2023 - Volunteer AbroadTop Rated Volunteer Abroad Organization 2022Zero CarbonNotable Mention 2021 - Volunteer Abroad