
Institute of French Language - University of Orléans

0 (0)2 Programs

Why choose Institute of French Language - University of Orléans?

The Institute of French Language (IDF) is located in the heart of Loire Valley and only an hour away from Paris. The institute has been accredited with the label “Qualité Français Langue Etrangère” (Quality of French as a Foreign Language) having a mission to participate and cooperate in the international policy of the University of New Orleans, specifically in providing French as a Foreign Langua...

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Institute of French Language - University of Orléans Programs

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Learn French in Orléans, Loire Valley

The French Institute offers five diplomas, which correspond to the five levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. These...

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French Language and Culture Summer School

This summer, experience a full French immersion in Orleans, labeled City of Arts and History. The French Language and Culture Summer School offer...

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