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Academic Programs Abroad (APA)

9.16 (2)6 Programs

Why choose Academic Programs Abroad (APA)?

Since 1986, Academic Programs Abroad (APA) has been a leading study abroad program, offering students a high-quality experience that combines academic excellence with the allure of French and Francophone culture. APA is dedicated to fostering cultural understanding and global citizenship, striving to create cohorts that reflect the diverse tapestry of the Francophone diaspora, encompassing 300 mil...

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Academic Programs Abroad (APA) Reviews

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Wonderful Year Abroad

October 18, 2024by: Senan Pol - United StatesProgram: APA Paris Semester Immersion Program

I decided to study abroad in Paris with APA due to it offering the rare chance to immerse oneself in the French language through the day-to-day operations of the program alongside the option to stay with a host family. I opted to stay with a host family for the entire academic year and it was the best choice I could have made. Aside from greatly improving my French, I also developed deep relationships with my host family that will last forever. At APA, I similarly developed these connections. With it being a small team, you have the unique opportunity to develop personal relationships with the staff who truly know and understand you. Additionally, the program offered endless outings and events to attend, livening up every week with incredible opportunities.

Dakar: experiencing francophone West Africa in Senegal

August 15, 2018by: Julia Jesko - United StatesProgram: APA Dakar: Summer Study in French - Economics, Art, and More

As an African Studies and French Language student, one of my biggest complaints was the lack of French-language study abroad programs outside of the Western world, until I found APA Senegal. The program's course content gives students an in-depth experience in a rich culture and the opportunity to make connections to locals (many of which I keep in contact with and miss very much). Living with a host family was a very effective way to improve skills in speaking French, and I felt much more comfortable with the language after completing the program. Academics are very rigorous but students will learn a LOT of new information in their classes, not only in French language but about local culture, economics, and analytical skills. I highly recommend this program and definitely do not regret choosing APA or Senegal.

Academic Programs Abroad (APA) Programs

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Students posing during a break.
101 reviews
APA Dakar: Summer Study in French - Economics, Art, and More

Discover Francophone West Africa in the capital city of Senegal. Dakar is the westernmost point in mainland Africa and is home to numerous busine...

A group of students in front of the Beaune Hospice Museum in France.
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APA Paris Semester Immersion Program

APA's Paris Immersion Program has been a cornerstone of our organization for over 35 years. Tailored for advanced and intermediate French speaker...

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00 reviews
Dakar - Business, STEM, Social Sciences in French

Pursue your studies in the heart of Francophone West Africa! Situated along the westernmost point of mainland Africa, the capital city of Dakar, ...

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APA Multi-Country: France, Morocco, Senegal

The French-speaking world is a dynamic melting pot of language, history, and culture. Visit three prominent Francophone host cities in one semest...

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00 reviews
APA Rabat: The Contemporary Maghreb

Over the course of six weeks, the coastal capital city of Rabat, Morocco, will be home to students of the APA Rabat: The Contemporary Maghreb sum...

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00 reviews
Paris: Short-Term - Art History, Language & Urban Identities

Join a class at the Orsay Museum or a discussion on social and racial justice with a local hip-hop artist. These are just two examples of what to...

Academic Programs Abroad (APA)

Academic Programs Abroad (APA)


Ready to Learn More?

Since 1986, Academic Programs Abroad (APA) has been a leading study abroad program, offering students a high-quality experience that combines academic excellence with the allure of French and Francophone culture. APA is dedicated to fostering cultural understanding and global citizenship, striving to create cohorts that reflect the diverse tapestry of the Francophone diaspora, encompassing 300 million French speakers. APA's unwavering passion lies in providing students with an exceptional study abroad journey. With over 30 years of experience, APA stands out by partnering with esteemed host institutions, offering signature courses, selecting welcoming host families, and curating a diverse range of cultural events. Each aspect of the program is meticulously crafted to allow students to d...


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