Even though the Titanic was built in Ireland (and we all know what happened in that disastrous voyage), if you choose to attend language school in Ireland, your ship will surely not sink. In fact, your knowledge of a new language will not only stay afloat, but thrive.
Failte roimh Dublin! It’s no wonder the Vikings wanted to establish a settlement in this coastal hot spot, and they’d be proud to see what Dublin has become. Home to a multitude of gothic-style castles, world-famous pubs, an incredible library, and 99’ers at Teddy’s, the Irish capital’s cobblestoned streets are just the path you need for language fluency. Finding a language school in Dublin has never been easier, and we’d be lying if we said ordering a carefully pulled stout with confidence doesn’t feel awesome.
Hope you’re ready to showcase your passion for language and the arts because Galway is known for its artistic and vibrant festivals. Galway, as the main city in Connemara, is the prime location in Ireland where Irish Gaelic is spoken. You’ll have no problem picking up the language quickly, because you’ll be surrounded by the melodic dialect wherever you go. Fall in love with the tiny red home along the River Corrib, then take the long walk to Salthill while eavesdropping locals’ conversations and listening to the crashing waves of the North Atlantic Ocean.
If you’re one to avoid big crowds and huge cities, there may be a city made just for you in Ireland: Killarney. Star in your very-own version of Once as you strike up a conversation with that attractive redhead across the pub, and really get cozy in Killarney’s small-town vibe, complete with infamous buskers and a Saturday market to boot. Killarney is also home to Ireland’s highest mountain and mountain pass, which is great news for those who want to take a morning sunrise hike before classes (just don’t hike all the way to the top or you might not make it back for class in time!).