Staff Interview with Markus Brenner
Get to know MTA Network-Paid Internships In China's staff!
Markus, 26, is a German man working in Qingdao. He has been fascinated by China since he started informing himself about the culture, language and lifestyle of the country. He has spent 1 year in China so far and is keen to spend more time in Qingdao.
What inspired you to work for MTA Network?
I love to discover and to learn from different cultures. MTA Network offered me the link between China and foreign countries, especially countries in the Western world. With my work I want to offer other people the same unique experience I have working here in China.
Describe a typical day at work.
I have video interviews with foreign applicants almost every day. I try to understand what they want, and talk about the life experience they can acquire in China. Then I try to find the right internship position for them. I am in contact with lots of different people at the same time, so I write a lot of emails and text messages every day.
Why do you do what you do?
I want others to have the same life changing experience I had during my first internship in China. I love to see people evolving through their own personal experiences.
What is your favorite part of working for the MTA network ?
My favorite part of the job is to talk with people from all over the world and bring them together in an environment that is completely different from what they have seen and experienced before. I like being part of other people’s adventures in that way.
How do you use your education and international background in your current role?
My international background helps me to understand the Western people and the Chinese customs. My experiences allow me build a bridge that overcome boundaries and brings two worlds together. I understand the problems the Westerners are facing in China and I know how to help them.
What challenges do you often face at MTA network and how do you overcome them?
The biggest challenge at work is to make strangers on the other side of the world trust in you and in the service you are offering. I try to talk in different ways so I can approach and be understood by people of different backgrounds.
What are some current projects you are working on?
Currently I am writing a document that tells the applicants how to prepare and build their self-confidence for an interview with a Chinese company. I am also working on a ppt to explain and train westerners on cultural differences in order to help them properly behave inside Chinese culture.
What advice would you tell your pre-travel self?
Think about which other cities or countries you could travel to during your stay abroad, inform yourself about the opportunities available. Make a plan and realize it.
Why should someone choose the MTA network over its competitors?
This question is easy to answer. Our service is very cheap compared to what our competitors' offers. We don't charge any money for the internship placement but we are still able to offer good quality internships.
What hopes do you have for the future of the MTA network?
I hope that we can soon expand to at least one other city in China. To have an office in more than one city in China means that we can offer different experiences and different career development plans for our clients.
How do you help support participants?
We offer a lot of free services such as airport pickup, help with sim cards, the creation of a Chinese bank account, 24/7 support, parties for all our interns, and training on cultural differences. People can always come to us if they are facing a problem at work or in their daily life.
Why is it important for people to travel abroad and experience new cultures?
Abroad experiences are an eye opener. You can see different ways of life and combine the best of each culture and lifestyle to create your own personal understanding of what life means.
Why do you think learning a new language is important?
It is essential to fully understand a foreign culture. Language contains culture, mindset, and behavior. With translation a lot of this information gets lost.
What advice do you have for individuals thinking about going abroad?
Do not go to a country nearby and not go for only a few weeks. The more distance, the more differences you can experience. With more differences there's more potential to learn. To explore such potential time is needed.
What does meaningful travel mean to you?
Personally, meaningful travel means that you will gain something for your life. Either it is the experience of being at fascinating landscapes, monuments, and understanding the culture behind it all that inspires you or it is the people themselves that will show you a different understanding of life.
What hopes do you have for the future of international education?
I want students to have an overseas experience in groups. Learning in groups and sharing new experiences with others can be very inspiring. I am sure everybody would benefit from an experience like that. Also, it helps a lot to learn a new language. There is no way students spending at least 6 months abroad won’t learn their host country’s language.