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Alumni Interview with Genevieve Altier

Here's what it's like to go on a (DEAD URL) Fashion Week Internships program!

Genevieve Altier
Genevieve AltierParticipated in 2019Intern Abroad | United States

Genevieve Altier is a recent Sup de Luxe graduate in Luxury Brand Marketing and International Management. Her passions have always been couture, travel, and art. Originally from Paris, France, she has lived in Singapore, Dubai, and London, and did her undergrad at London College of Fashion in Buying and Merchandising, before discovering her love of Marketing and Public Relations. Her mantra is “just do it,” because you don’t know until you try.

What inspired you to travel abroad?

My main goal when deciding to go abroad was to get out of my comfort zone and put myself into the shoes of the future me - a graduate with a career in fashion, living in NY. Having done a lot of research online and listened to a TED talk on the importance of using travel and internships as a medium to grow and develop, doing an internship was an obvious step to take in achieving my goal of breaking into fashion PR in London, which I am now doing, due in no small part to my internship from Fashion Week Internships!

Times Square, New York City, USA

Times Square abstract shot.

Why did you choose Fashion Week Internships? 

Fashion Week Internships was one of three organisations recommended to me by my course leader, and having interviewed with other internship program providers, only Fashion Week Internships demonstrated a real understanding of the industry, which resonated with me. Fashion Week Internships understood my reasons for wanting to work in New York, and recognised how important it was to find the right host company for me, which they did. The other companies I spoke to were extremely professional but didn't have the same level of knowledge about the industry, and that really came across during my interviews. 

What was your favorite part about New York City?

New York as my home for the whole eight weeks, and I made sure to enjoy and experience everything the city had to offer, from the more touristy things like the Staten Island Ferry, SouthStreet Seaport, Brooklyn, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Broadway, The Empire State and the Chrysler Building, to more off-beat locations like Carmines (best pasta in NY!), Chinatown, Parks Slope, St. Marks Place, Barcade (trust me, try it), and Bowery Ballroom. Outside of New York, Upstate New York was just a few hours drive away, but felt like it was a million miles away, with its lush green open spaces, syrup tasting factories, centuries old barn bars, and huge lakes.

What made your experience abroad extraordinary?

There were so many standout moments that made the experience extraordinary, but the most memorable, and the thing that I cherish most, was the people. Having the opportunity to meet so many funny, wild, professional, inspiring, intense, creative, and amazing people, lit up my days and without sounding cliche - inspired me to grow and filled me with confidence. From my work colleagues at KCD, to my roomy Shreya, to the staff at Freidman's (the best food in NY), everyone went the extra mile to make me welcome, which I feel changed me in a profound way.

Art by Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons installation.

How did the local program staff support you throughout your program?

I met with Carolyn (my New York point of contact) just once during my first week to say hi and to collect a special tee that Fashion Week Internships had sent for me. Midway through my placement she called to see how things were going, and during my last week she invited me for drinks at 230 Fifth with some of the other FWI interns, which was lovely. My other contact was with the London staff, who helped me with my La Guardia taxi to Manhattan, also called the day I arrived and on my first day to wish me good luck, and check I was all set.

What's one thing you wish you would have done differently during your time abroad?

This may sound arrogant, but as a bit of a control freak, I was uber prepared and ready to go weeks before I travelled to New York, which gave me time to relax and enjoy each day, not having to worry about the little things like money or time. Making an itinerary of places to visit and experience on my mobile map application before I left led me to discover lots of secret spots like a piece of the Berlin Wall (go figure!) in Midtown, the night time Central Park skate, or Le Boudoir (so very Paris and so very chic).

Describe what a typical day in your life abroad looked like.

My days began with a short walk to Soulcycle for a 6.15am ride, followed by breakfast on the go (skinny latte, and protein bar!). Work begins at 8.30am with checking overnight mail, and then talking to Bryony to get some direction on the day, which would normally involve team and management meetings, organising collections or deliveries of samples for press or to go to out to Showroom 475, writing and checking copy, managing the diary, managing RSVP for events, and then heading over to the showroom.

What type of accommodation did you have? What did you like best about it?

I roomed in a homestay with Shreya, a student at Marangoni in Italy who was interning at RED Models. We got on really well, as we both had similar passions and interests. Fashion Week Internships introduced us both to our host family, pairing us together because of our placement locations, and maybe our time spent in Italy. The room was large (for New York), and Shreya and I shared an en-suite bathroom. The Davids (homestay family) were very friendly, professional, but also really welcoming.

What is one thing every future participant should know about your program before their program begins?

My program manager advised me to savour every opportunity and to be brave enough to try new things, to get the most out of my experience, which I believe I did in every way. Going to New York, straight after a three-week trip to Greece, I was relaxed and ready to go, but it still took the first week to get used to the long work days, and to snap out of holiday mode, so be prepared to acclimatise quickly, or maybe keep some Red Bulls handy in your desk to get you over the first week hump.

SummerStage, Central Park, New York City, USA

Summer in the park. If you can, visit SummerStage.

Would you recommend Fashion Week Internships to others? Why?

Without any hesitation, I would recommend this experience to other students. Interning in New York is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, full of challenges, fun, meeting new people, and sharing experiences, which all help you grow. For these reasons alone I cannot rate the experience high enough!

Now that you're home, how has your time abroad impacted your life?

I got my first job, as a direct result of my internship! That is the impact the internship has had on my life! During the last two weeks of my internship I began sending my curriculum vitae out to companies back here, and was able to sit four first round interviews while still out in New York, and then followed up with face-to-face meetings the week I got back. Getting a glowing reference from Jennifer helped me immensely and being able to talk confidently about my experience (I feel) gave me the edge, and I started work last month.

What does meaningful travel mean to you?

Meaningful travel to me is travelling sustainably, exploring your surroundings outside of the well-beaten paths, and getting to know what really drives a city, because that is what makes it special and unique, and is where you find its soul. In New York, that meant getting out and meeting people, eating the food, sharing in local customs and, pardon the cliche, living like a local. New York is an honest city, that has so much to offer if you are willing to go and look, and experience.

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