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Gap Year Programs
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Looking for the perfect balance between globetrotting and enlightenment? Take a gap year! Whether it’s a year off between high school and college (a healthy break from monotonous school life!), a gap year after college (which can give you time to figure out your next steps), or a gap year at literally any other time, it’ll be time well spent. Gap year programs are riddled with opportunities for personal growth, attainment of new skills, reevaluation of personal and career goals, and (of course) once-in-a-lifetime adventures.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Find out all the answers to the most commonly asked questions.
What is a gap year?
A gap year is an intentional break from school or work for travel. They traditionally last for a year or longer, but can be as short as one semester. Gap years are characterized by immense personal growth and education through travel.
Should I take a gap year?
It's a great idea to take a gap year, as they're highly beneficial to travelers of all ages. The best reasons why you should take a gap year include educational opportunities, work experience, global perspectives, and personal growth.
How to take a gap year
To take a gap year, you should set goals for what you want to accomplish during your time off and what parts of the world you want to see. Decide if you want to go after high school, during college, or after college, all of which are possibilities.
What to do on a gap year
You can do so much on a gap year! Some ideas are to study a new language, backpack through a country, work in a hostel, or volunteer on an organic farm. Be intentional and set goals, and think about how your plans factor into life after your gap year.
When to take a gap year
You can take a gap year after high school, during college, after college, or mid-career. The best time to take your gap year will depend on your personal and professional goals, as well as your budget and responsibilities.
Where should I go on my gap year?
The best places to take a gap year include New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland, as they offer working holiday opportunities for gappers. Other popular places are Southeast Asia and Western Europe.
Do colleges like gap years?
It depends. If you make the most of your gap year and can add what you learned or experienced to a resume/CV, colleges will be more appreciative of your gap year. However, this varies from institution to institution.
Can you take a year off during college?
You can take a year off during college for a gap year, or even a semester. The process for this will depend on your home university, and whether or not your gap year can earn you college credit.
How to plan a gap year
To plan a gap year, you'll need to know when you want to go, what you want to do, and which countries you want to see. These are all important steps in planning a gap year. MyGoAbroad can help get you started.
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