12 Countries to Teach English Abroad Without a Bachelor's Degree

12 Countries to Teach English Abroad Without a Bachelor's Degree

Luciana Dinu
Last Updated Jun 04, 2024

Wondering where can you teach abroad without a degree? Whether you’ve just gotten out of school and are not yet ready for college, or your 9 to 5 job is starting to feel monotonous, it means that you’re starting to get the travel itch and we all know what that means. It's time for you to change something in your life and doing that has never been easier!

Do not get stomped by the "no degree" issue if you want to give teaching abroad a shot. Nowadays you can travel the world while earning some dinero with a teaching English job abroad. Can I teach English abroad without a degree? No problemo!

can i teach english abroad without a degree

You don’t need unnecessary qualifications to share your skills.

Considering how many millions of people around the world are already speaking or wanting to increase their English language skills, you shouldn’t have any issues with finding a job where you can teach English abroad without a degree. Yes, there are countries like say Japan or Korea, that due to visa requirements and government restrictions require for you to have a diploma, Bachelor’s degree and even teaching experience, but don’t let this discourage you. 

There are other great countries out there all over Asia, Europe and South America in great need of English teachers that do not require for you to have a degree. Oh, you got a TEFL certification? Even better, your chances have just increased and the locations list has grown. Where can you teach abroad without a degree? Take your pick from this awesome list we put together for you!

Where can you teach abroad without a degree

1. Cambodia

can i teach english abroad without a degree

Teaching jobs in Cambodia can have you earning money while you travel ASAP

If your preferred destination is Asia, then we got great news for you! You do not need a bachelor’s degree to teach English in Cambodia! With an overwhelming need for English teachers, you now have the chance to discover the exotic country of Cambodia, with breathtaking landscapes, fascinating historical heritage, vibrant culture and the most lovable people you’ll ever meet. Most schools will accept a high school diploma, but if you have a TEFL certification, you can also apply for a volunteering program to teach English to the locals and give a helping hand to the community.

  • Pros: With affordable transportation this is a unique opportunity to discover the ancient capital of South Asia, and travel to neighbour countries like Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. If you can’t find a teaching job on your own, there are amazing programs out there that can help you find your next dream job position.
  • Cons: You will not get financially rich from a teaching job in Cambodia and local high schools. For teaching at a university level, a degree is needed. 
  • Recommended job: Get TEFL Certified & Teach English in Cambodia with International Teach Academy

2. Costa Rica

Although you might not need a Bachelor’s degree to teach English in one of the most advanced countries in Latin America, your chances at finding a job in Costa Rica will be greatly increased with a TEFL certification. People in Costa Rica are very serious about their English skills and the demand for teachers is growing by the year. You can find great teaching positions for all age groups at both private institutions or public schools, K-12 schools, kindergartens or even universities if you have enough experience. Teaching English in Costa Rica should definitely be on your list.

  • Pros: Great schedule, Monday through Friday with lunch breaks and free weekends, thus giving you enough time time to also enjoy your time at the beach, explore the country, or take care of daily chores. 
  • Cons: Some institutions hire all year round, which can put some pressure if you feel like this is not the right position for you.
  • Recommended job: Teach English in Costa Rica with Maximo Nivel

3. Brazil 

Did you know that you can teach English abroad without a bachelor's degree in Brazil?! Some would argue that teaching English in Brazil is the best thing that ever happened to them and we can agree with them on that. If you’re adventurous, love a dynamic classroom, and enjoy a rich and continuously surprising culture, then Brazil is the country for you. Brazilian people tend to think that a native English speaker is a better teacher than a Brazilian one. While the qualifications for teaching English in Brazil are few and most schools won’t even ask to see your TEFL certification (it’s still best you have one), you should have at least enough teaching experience and know how to prepare lessons and how to meet the unique needs of your students.

  • Pros: You will find people that want to learn English all over Brazil, be it in normal schools or private tutoring. You teaching schedule can be as flexible as you want it to be, leaving you with enough blocks in the day to run errands or enjoy a nice lunch.
  • Cons: Most students want to have their classes early in the morning, before starting school or work, around lunch time or late in the evening. So you will have to juggle with this schedule and find a way to make it work for yourself as well. So if you’re not a morning person, you’ll have to make some compromises.
  • Recommended job: Teach English in a Homestay in Brazil

4. Greece

can i teach english abroad without a degree

Teach English abroad without a bachelor’s degree! And look fly while you do it.

If Greece isn’t yet at the top of your list when you’re looking at European destinations, we are here to tell you that it should be. Opa! With its ancient mythology, incredible beaches and a warm climate all year long, welcoming locals and incredible food, Greece is the dream destination for all teachers. Even with a recently struggling economy, the demand for English teachers has not changed, with jobs available all year round in private or public schools or giving private lessons. Although some jobs require a Bachelor’s degree, most positions only ask for a TEFL certification.

  • Pros: Some schools provide a lot of extra amenities such as accommodation, health care, travel expenses and visa requirements as part of the contract, but you can easily find your own accommodation at a decent price. And eating out won’t cost you a fortune.
  • Cons: If you are placed with a host family, they might not exactly be per your taste, but it’s a great way to immerse yourself in the culture and save up on some pocket money. Also, depending on where you will be working, the quality and amenities of the schools might not be what you are used to, but a quick trip at the beach will make it all worth it.
  • Recommended job: Teach Abroad in Greece with Teach Away

5. Spain

In an exotic country such as Spain, it would be very hard to believe that you could teach English without a Bachelor’s degree, yet it is possible. Especially if you have a TEFL certification, everything is possible. Spain is a very popular destination for ESL teachers, so finding a job might be a struggle when aiming for placements in Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia, but there are other locations around the countries to choose from. Start your search today and vamos a la playa

  • Pros: Spanish students are motivated and dedicated to improve their English skills, but there is no such thing as a perfect classroom. But that’s alright because you can chill out after class by the beach and prepare next day’s schedule while you’re enjoying your sangria. Plus, have you heard about the high number of holidays that Spain has all year round?
  • Cons: When the sun is shining bright and you’re stuck in a classroom with no air conditioning, the days will tend to look almost endless. Also, expect to have long hours, as the Spanish people enjoy their siestas, and start their day pretty late.
  • Recommended jobs: Teach English in Madrid with Conversaspain

6. Romania

There is so much more to Romania than Dracula! There, we said it. With a fast growing population where speaking English as a second language is becoming a must, Romania offers great teaching opportunities for anyone interested in a little adventure (and is TEFL certified). It’s an unexpected but amazing destination to teach English abroad without a bachelor's degree. Romanians start learning English at an early age, which means that your students can be of all age groups and you might be pleasantly surprised to find that most of them already speak the language at a conversational level. Besides normal classroom hours, do not be surprised if your students will ask for extra private tutoring.

  • Pros: Because every other person speaks English, you will never struggle to get around, get lost or not be able to order your meals. Also, if you can’t find a job, you can always volunteer to teach English! 
  • Cons: Without a degree, getting a placement in Bucharest, also known as the ‘little Paris’, might be hard, and most placements are in the rural areas, but it doesn’t mean that your time in Romania will be less fun. 
  • Recommended jobs: Teach English in Romania with Projects Abroad

7. Mexico

can i teach english abroad without a degree

Sneak in your own adventures while you teach abroad without a degree

If Spain is too far, but you still want to give that latino lifestyle a chance, why not give Mexico a try? Trade tapas for nachos and salsa on your lunch breaks. Getting a job teaching English in Mexico has never been easier, because Mexico is one of the countries that does not require a Bachelor’s degree, but we do recommend that you have at least a TEFL certification to improve your chances at finding a job. You will be able to find positions in private or international schools, but also with companies that want to improve the employee’s business English. 

  • Pros: If you’re good at your job you can start giving private lessons and through the word of mouth you can increase your student number in no time. With the extra pocket money you can spend your off time at resorts in Cancun or Acapulco.
  • Cons: Most schools and positions in Mexico don’t offer accommodation with their positions, but the cost of living is so affordable that this should not be a deal breaker.
  • Recommended jobs: Get Paid to Teach English Abroad with our TEFL Certification

8. India 

Unlike other countries in Asia, a great deal of India’s population already speaks English because English is one of the official languages of the country, making the demand for foreign teachers not as strong as it may be in other places. This makes competition high for teaching jobs in India and can limit your options, but it is not an impossible mission. Thorough different program placements you can be assigned in positions to the private sector where a combination of teaching experience, dedication and a TEFL certification are more important than just having a degree. Teaching English abroad without a bachelor’s degree as a volunteer can be an easier and faster way to get a teaching job without a degree in India. Research your options and start your new dream gig, teach!

  • Pros: The relationship you will create with the Indian students is one of a kind, and every morning will start with smiling faces, sharing some high fives and an eager interest for learning. 
  • Cons: There are more unpaid or volunteer positions for teaching English. But the experience you will get will look great on your resume and you will make a lot of children happy.
  • Recommended jobs: Teaching and Community work in GOA

9. Russia

If you’re an English teacher, then you’re most likely a fan of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy—so teaching English in Russia should be on your bucket list (right?!). The country is quickly becoming a top destination for all ESL teachers, that don’t necessarily have a Bachelor’s degree but they do own a TEFL certification. English is included in public schools curriculum, private schools and international schools so there is always a need to English teachers. Most positions are in big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, but you can find open positions all over the country if you so wish.

  • Pros: English teachers can enjoy a high salary and extra benefits such as accommodation and airfare reimbursement. 
  • Cons: The competition for teaching jobs is quite high so you need to keep your eyes out for any open opportunity you might get.
  • Recommended jobs: Teach English in Russia with Language Link

10. Poland

can i teach english abroad without a degree

Land English teaching jobs abroad in culture powerhouses like Poland.

Poland has become a very important part of the EU in recent years and the demand for English teachers is booming. Polish children start learning English at an early age so public schools, language schools, private schools and even private families are constantly hiring foreign English teachers without a degree, but a good background teaching experience. Big companies will also hire English teachers to help their employees improve their languages skills as well as skills in dealing with the international market. 

  • Pros: Even if you can’t find a job in the big cities like Warsaw or Krakow, there are other great opportunities all over the country, and you might find that you like the rural, quiet areas even better than the quick city life.
  • Cons: Your student’s English might not be so good just yet (Duh! Otherwise you wouldn’t have a job), and the Polish language is not similar to any other language you might still have knowledge of. This will maybe make small talk hard, but in time you will pick up on some words and phrases and it will get easier.
  • Recommended jobs: Improve your teaching experience at Angloville

11. Nicaragua

As a slowly but steady developing country, Nicaragua, also known as the The Land of Lakes and Volcanoes, is a fairly new destination for English teachers. You can apply for teaching English open positions in public schools, private schools and language schools, whereas universities ask for a TEFL certification. So if you hold one of those, you can pretty much teach anywhere in Nicaragua without a degree. Give this slow, unique Spanish culture a try and have a tuani time!

  • Pros: Experience a new type of classroom, at a slow pace and learn the importance of a tight community.
  • Cons: The class sizes will be large, so concentrating on each student might be hard. But take it each day at a time and you will adapt.
  • Recommended jobs: Teach Abroad in Nicaragua with Teach Away

12. Slovakia

Although some ESL job positions in big cities like Bratislava may require for a Bachelor’s degree or a teaching license, primary and secondary schools, some colleges, and business schools don’t (great news if you want to teach in Slovakia!). However, keep in mind that they do require both teaching experience and a TEFL certification. We’re also going to give you the inside scoop on the job market here: You can easily find private tutoring jobs by word of mouth, local newspapers, job posts, or simply via online advertisement placements. Keep your eyes out as there are opportunities all over the country!

  • Pros: The demand for English teachers is growing each day as the country’s economy is boosting. And do not discount small cities, as they also need English teachers!
  • Cons: Slovakia is quickly becoming a top country for travel and teaching, so the competition is quite high. Right now, cost of living is low, but it is slowly creeping up with the rise of the country’s popularity.
  • Recommended jobs: Teach Abroad in Slovak Republic with Teach Away

[Browse ALL Destinations Hiring Teachers Abroad]

Teach English without a degree!

can i teach english abroad without a degree

Now’s your chance to make a positive difference in the lives of others!

Whoever said that to teach English abroad without a Bachelor’s degree is a far fetched dream, we just debunked that. In their face! If after our research you find that our 12 countries do not meet your own personal requirements, do not stress out, these are only a few of the many countries out there that do not ask for a degree of their English teachers. If you have the experience, the attitude and the love for teaching, that is all some schools are looking for. 

It also goes without saying that a TEFL certification is a door opener and a great long term investment to your career. So, if you don’t want to spend four years for a degree, you should at least spend a few weeks getting TEFL certified to get the best result during your job search. One more time for the folks in the back: Can you teach abroad without a degree? You sure can!

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Originally Published on Apr 15, 2019

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