11 Reasons to Study Abroad in Germany

11 Reasons to Study Abroad in Germany

Luciana Dinu
Published on Sep 25, 2019

Why study in Germany? We’ll spell it out if you need us to! Here are 11 reasons to study abroad in Germany that you can’t overlook. Studying abroad in Europe is everyone’s dream, and nowadays there are thousands and thousands of schools, organizations, and programs to help young people make this dream come true. 

Hamburg, Germany

Study abroad in Germany and experience the unique culture and beauty including the colorful architecture, literature, and cuisine!

Studying abroad in Germany is one of the most popular and cheapest ways to further your education and explore new cultures. Apart from fairy tale like sceneries, soccer, currywurst, and Hefeweizen, Germany is also profiting from a flourishing economy, is home to some of the most prestigious universities in the world, and is also known as the “Land of Ideas”, where some of the brightest minds have made incredible breakthroughs. 

Germany has everything a student can wish for: world class education, multi-cultural environments, amazing nightlife, affordable lifestyle, picturesque landscapes...and great food, of course. Apply for one of the many Germany study abroad programs and you can be on your way to your next big adventure. You will not be disappointed!

Why study abroad in Germany?

If you’re still struggling with finding the correct answer to the “why study abroad in Germany?” question, well we’re here to answer it for you. Be aware, it’s a very detailed answer, with lots of valid reasons and no room for further interpretation. On we go with the top reasons to study abroad in Germany!

1. There are low or no tuition fees

Germany is one of the European countries that does not require a tuition fee for earning your Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree at a public university. The only thing foreign students will have to pay is the administrative fee, which usually costs around $250 per semester. Let’s let that sink in…$250 per semester. That is it!

At such a price point, anyone (and we mean anyone — EU resident or not) can attend one of the 300 public universities in Germany and receive the higher education they deserve. The only catch is that you have to finish your degree, otherwise you might have to pay more than that little original fee. But honestly, who wouldn’t finish in a such a great location at such an amazing price?

2. You’ll be able to select among top-ranked universities

Halle, Germany

And college campuses in Germany are stunning!

It’s normal and quite clever to wonder if the price you’re paying reflects the quality of the education you will be getting. In this case, you will be getting a world class education almost for free, because Germans—bless them!—believe that everyone should have free access to higher education and ensure economic growth for the greater population. German universities have been consistently ranked amongst the world’s best universities, and earning a degree from any of them will open doors and career opportunities for you all over the world.

3. You can travel Europe on a student visa

Once you get your student visa, you can travel with it anywhere you want within the EU, and fortunately for you, you can be in a different country within hours. If you’re an EU citizen, you will have the same rights as the Germans, and you don’t require a visa. As a non-EU citizen, you will have to apply for a visa, and in some cases for a residency permit. (Check out this resource for more info.) This will also allow you to travel visa-free within the Schengen Area. If you have doubts about the whole process of obtaining a visa or permit, all you gotta do is contact your school or program advisor, and they will help you out.

4. The cost of living is relatively affordable

Being ranked as one of the richest countries in the world, you’d expect for the cost of living to be sky high. Surprisingly though, Germany is not that expensive. The highest cost you will have is accommodation and airfare. Paying rent could have you digging deep into your pockets, but there are ways around that as well.

Living in a dorm, student hall, or residence, or renting out a room and sharing an apartment with other people are the easiest and most popular ways for students to handle rent costs. Not only do you get your rent reduced to maybe half, but you get to make new friends, you will never feel lonely, and you won’t go broke while doing it!

Food is pretty cheap in Germany, and once you learn how to shop smart, it gets even more affordable. But even eating out once in a while shouldn’t hurt your savings account. For a mere $10 you can get a schnitzel with french fries and a drink. Public transportation will become your new best friend, and you can get anywhere for very little. Pro Tip: Use your student ID for everything! A lot of facilities have discounts for students.

Magdeburg, Germany

Germany study abroad programs are unique because there are a variety of work options to consider coming back to.

5. There are endless work opportunities and future prospects

In the recent years, Germany has realized the economic and social benefits of immigration, and the need for having the smartest minds study in the country. Ideally, they would like for their students to also stay after finishing their studies and keep working in Germany. Hence there being no tuition fee for international students as well! 

Also, Germany has an amazing dual learning system, where you can combine going to school part time and interning with a company the other half of the time. At the end of your studies, you have the possibility of staying and working within the company you’re interning with, or applying somewhere else. You’ll get your degree in hand and a job as soon as you graduate! As a leading economic power, it’s not hard to find opportunities in companies such as Daimler, BMW, Audi, Adidas, Siemens, or Bosch.You’ve already been introduced to the excellence of the German industry after all, so why not stay?

6. You can immerse yourself in a new culture and new language

This is your once-in-a-lifetime chance to immerse yourself in a new culture and learn a new language, which are both very important skills to develop. Germans are very friendly people and always there to give you advice or teach you something new. You will soon be eating weisswurst for breakfast with a pretzel, taking a lunch break for coffee with cake, and ending the night at a local bar hanging out with your neighbors. By the end of your studies, your German language will also be highly improved, a skill that is very sought-after nowadays. And what better way to become fluent, if not directly from the source?

Now, there will be some things that you might cultural shock you, but you will soon learn how to adapt to them and maybe even appreciate them. You may have to learn how to recycle and separate your trash, or that Sundays and holidays are sacred days where you don’t work and everything (except some restaurants) is closed. But you will learn how to slow down on these days, hang out with your friends, or simply relax. Under no circumstances do you throw a party nor mow your lawn! The police will knock on your door if you do not respect the silence.

7. So many historical sites!

Brandenburg Gate, Germany

Germany’s rich history and captivating architecture will join your classroom experience with the city outside your window.

Studying and living in Germany is like being at the heart of the European Intellectual history. With a long, rich, complex history and countless standing monuments that can still tell many stories, Germany is a historical gem and a land of poets and thinkers such as Kant, Goethe, and Beethoven. Cities like Berlin and Munich are becoming more culturally diverse, and the number of people expressing their creativity is growing.

Walking through the downtown streets feels like you’re in your own Hollywood musical, and you’re the main character. By the end of your experience your appreciation of arts will have improved greatly, as well as your knowledge on some of the finest artists in the world. Psst! Use your student ID to get discounts on admission to museums or other cultural venues.

8. There’s a wide variety of programs

So maybe you don’t want to do an entire degree in Germany and attend university full time. Maybe you just want to start off slow with a summer program, like a language and culture program or environmental studies, or maybe an urban studies program. Organizations like AIFS, API or IES offer numerous programs to help you expand your education as you experience a new culture. Your courses will often be conducted in English and you may be required to take German language courses...which you should be more than happy with, because your German is about to become sehr gut!

9. You’ll enjoy the great public transportation

Cologne, Germany

And weekend trips will be cheap and timely!

Without a doubt, Germany has one of the most amazing transportation systems and opportunities, from direct-connecting flights, trains, and buses to such services as “bla bla car”. You can rent yourself a car2go and go on a road trip of your own. You can spend a weekend in Romania for as little as $40! Or take a quick trip to Dubrovnik and check out the filming sights from Game of Thrones. Hey, your study abroad in Germany has just turned into Exploring Europe.

Oh, you’re more of an outside person? Cool, cool, because Germany is very eco-friendly. Get yourself a cheap bike, ride to work on perfectly-maintained bike trails, and avoid the morning traffic. In cities like Stuttgart or Berlin, you can even rent a bike to go to your destination. There are options everywhere!

10. You’ll find diversity

Germany is a hub of other nationalities and your best friends will most likely be from countries like Poland, Hungary, Romania, Philippines, Turkey, China, or Greece. Not only will you immerse yourself into the German culture, but you will be learning so much more about other traditions, maybe learn a few other foreign words in other languages as well, and experience other cultures.

You will be living in a multicultural environment that will beautifully build on your personal development. International skills are very sought after these days, and you yourself should know how smooth a conversation can flow if you can throw in a bit of knowledge of your speaking partner’s culture.

11. There are incredible markets and festivals

If you won’t do it for the art, do it for the festivals and markets that only Germans know how to do best. There’s always lots of delicious food and, of course, lots of beer and volk music! There are over 10,000 German festivals, for book lovers to beer drinkers. There’s the film festival in Berlin, the Munich Opera festival, street food festival, or the world-renowned Oktoberfest.

Too much beer? Well, during the winter season when it can get very cold, you can attend the famous German Christmas markets and enjoy a warm, cozy gluhwein, which is warm wine with a hint of cinnamon, raisins, and cloves. It will warm you right up. Couple that with a bratwurst in a German bun, top it with mustard, mayo, or ketchup and let yourself be engulfed in the German Christmas spirit. Germany in winter is a Christmas wonderland that you should definitely not miss! 

Ready to study abroad in Germany?

Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

You’ll be walking floral streets and visiting historic palaces very shortly!

Now that you know all the ins and outs, study abroad in Germany just sounds all the more incredible, doesn’t it? We’d be willing to bet it sounds very appealing and you’re looking into programs right now. Good for you!

Step out of your comfort zone and this time next year you won’t even recognize yourself anymore. You’ll be speaking a second language, answering with jaein to questions you have mixed feelings about, and the only thing that will satisfy your hunger will be a kebab. Don’t believe us? Give study abroad in Germany a try and find out for yourself!

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