4 of the Best Programs for Jewish Studies Abroad

4 of the Best Programs for Jewish Studies Abroad

Madison Jackson
Published on Jun 04, 2019

As a Judaic Studies major, I had taken a bunch of academic Judaic Studies courses at my university. However, with a specific interest in contemporary Jewish life in Europe, during my sophomore year of college I began to wonder how Judaic Studies is taught in Europe. Was there a drastically different approach to Judaic Studies in other countries? Googling “Academic Jewish Studies institutions in Europe” and having no idea what I would find, I came across a website for Paideia–The European Institute for Jewish Studies. Reaching out to Paideia turned into a Skype call with a staff member, and soon after, the creation of an ongoing virtual internship.

Silhouette of the Israeli flag at golden hour

Where will your Jewish studies abroad take you?

I was thrilled to be in contact with my passion—Judaic Studies—in another country. I was even more excited to know that Paideia provided the opportunity for students from all over the world to study Jewish Studies abroad. Yet, that was only one type of Jewish Studies program abroad, and I was only learning about it from my bedroom. Imagine taking that excitement to a whole new level and continuing your Judaic Studies education, not virtually involved with another country, but actually in another country, through studying abroad. 

If you study Judaic Studies at your home college there are ways to study abroad and still continue with the coursework for your Judaic Studies major or minor. Or, if you are looking to try something new during your time living in another country, and you want to explore an interest you may not have as much time for at home, check out below the best programs for Jewish Studies abroad

Best opportunities for Jewish Studies abroad this year

Here are a handful of awesome Jewish studies study abroad programs to consider as you spin the globe to find your new home.

Jewish man walking down a brick road

That’s right—your options for Jewish studies study abroad programs go further afield than Israel.

1. CET Jewish Studies Program in Prague

Find Jewish studies study abroad programs in the Czech Republic! CET Prague is a one semester study abroad program for undergraduates, offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. Participants can choose a concentration in Jewish Studies. Instead of just reading about Jewish history in a textbook, this concentration allows you to use the city as your classroom. Students will visit WWII memorials for a Holocaust class, use the Jewish Museum in Prague to do research, and meet with Jews who live in Prague. 

All students in this concentration take the core course called Modern History of the Jews in East Central Europe. Elective courses can include: Jewish Life in Contemporary Europe, Jews & Anti-Semitism in a Multi-Ethnic Society, Memory of the Holocaust in Central Europe, Intermediate and Advanced Hebrew, and internships at local Jewish organizations. CET Prague also includes a Traveling Seminar, which is a two part trip allowing students to see places for themselves; a week is spent in Poland, Vienna, and other cities in the Czech Republic, and four days later on in Budapest. Students will go to Auschwitz-Birkenau and the Jewish quarter of Budapest, and hear from Jews in Warsaw.

Program snapshot

2. Paideia–The European Institute for Jewish Studies

Established as a way to promote the renewal of European Jewish cultural and intellectual life, Paideia offers a One-Year Program of Jewish Studies which is the most intensive Jewish Studies program available in Europe today. A pluralistic, non denominational institution, both Jewish and non-Jewish students study at Paideia each year, with students represented from Israel, the United States, and over 15 countries in Europe. 

The One-Year Program focuses on text study from classical bible studies to modern Jewish philosophy. Modern Hebrew classes, a study trip to Israel, and a visiting lecture series are also included. While the One-Year Program is not a degree granting program, Paideia has a joint program, where students who complete the One-Year Program can continue their education at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg in Germany, and earn a Master of Arts degree in Jewish Civilizations.This Jewish Studies option is perfect for students looking to earn a Master’s degree abroad, or wanting to take an academic gap year after their undergraduate education. 

Program snapshot

  • Where: Sweden
  • Cost: Price varies, there are available scholarships which include tuition-free studies, a study trip to Israel and a monthly stipend of ~800€ per month to cover rent and living costs

Religious headwear on a table top

A common misconception: You don’t have to be Jewish to take Jewish studies abroad!

3. Hebrew University of Jerusalem

While studying in a center of religious, historical, and political significance you will have the opportunity to take intensive Hebrew language studies, as well as classes on Israel, the Middle East, and Jewish Civilization, Religion and History. As a student at the Rothberg International School you will be invited on trips, tours and festivals all over Jerusalem and Israel which will enhance your in class Jewish Studies. You will live with other international and Israeli students providing you with the chance to not only learn globally, but to learn from those of different cultures.  

Students also have the option to participate in an internship at an organization in Jerusalem. Jewish Studies students can choose to intern at one of Israel's many Jewish Studies related organizations, or participate in Hebrew U’s volunteer program, where alongside your Jewish Studies education, you can engage in service work with one of Jerusalem’s vulnerable populations. 

Program snapshot

4. The Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano

Originally established as a Conservative rabbinical seminary in Latin America, today the Seminario is a lot more than a rabbinical school--it is the only Jewish center in Ibero-America which provides both academic and spiritual Jewish education options. The Seminario has a variety of options for those who want to study a form of Jewish Studies abroad. The educational opportunities include: Rabbinical education, Cantorial and Hebrew Music teachers’ education, synagogue leaders training, sacred professions training, postgraduate Jewish Studies, Degree in Jewish Studies and Education, and young people Jewish educators training program. 

Additionally, every year the Seminario partners with universities in the United States and Latin America to provide American students with the opportunity to participate inJewish studies study abroad programs and exchanges. Americans take classes such as History of Judaism, Latin American Jewish Literature, Spanish and Hebrew.   

Program snapshot

[Browse ALL Study Abroad Programs to Find the Right One For YOU]

Take your Jewish studies abroad!

Book full of Hebrew writing

So...where are YOU off to for Jewish studies study abroad programs?

After virtually interning for Paideia for over a year and a half, I finally met the people I work for, in person this past summer when I attended the Paideia Alumni Conference in Barcelona, Spain. In just four days I met over 100 alumni from all over Europe and the United States who had studied at Paideia and could not stop sharing how impactful Paideia had been on their lives.  

Most of the people I met utilize their Jewish Studies education from Paideia to implement their own, innovative program or project, or to remain involved in their home Jewish organizations. If you have a thirst for Jewish knowledge, studying the subject in another country will provide you with new perspectives on the topic, allow you to connect firsthand with others studying Jewish Studies all over the world, and inspire you to follow a new lifelong passion. 

Get Matched with 4 Jewish Studies Study Abroad Programs for FREE

KAHAL Your Jewish Home Abroad is a non-profit organization which connects Jewish students studying abroad to Jewish opportunities, resources and connections abroad. KAHAL aims to create meaningful Jewish experiences for study abroad students, allowing them to interact with local Jewish communities and deepen their Jewish identities. Wherever students travel, KAHAL arranges chances to attend Shabbat dinners, meet Jewish students, attend holiday meals, volunteer and advocate, and provides grant funding and travel assistance.

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