How to Eat Healthy as a College Student (At Home)

How to Eat Healthy as a College Student (At Home)

Amie Thurlow
Published on Aug 25, 2020
healthy eating tips for college students

Look familiar?

During the era of coronavirus, when schools are moving online and students are expected to complete schoolwork remotely, it’s important to maintain healthy eating habits in order to stay energized and keep your immune system strong.

With stress and boredom causing us to raid the cupboards for comfort food, it can be difficult to keep track of what we’re eating and lose focus on the importance of getting the right nutrients. Knowing how to eat healthy as a college student during lockdown may even seem futile at this point.

We get it. For those students used to quick meals and cooking with friends (ramen at midnight, anyone?), staying indoors and cooking for yourself may be an entirely new challenge.

But don’t worry! We have some top tips on how to eat healthy as a college student and maintain a healthy diet during lockdown.

8 healthy eating tips for college students (at home)

1. Understand what different foods can do for your body

If you’re looking for guidance on how to eat healthy as a college student at home, or you’re simply looking for ways to maintain good health during the pandemic, learning about the benefits of different types of foods for your body is a great place to start.

If you’re looking to boost your immune system, for example, powerful foods include citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, and leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli or spinach (which are packed full of vitamins A, C, and E). Including these foods in your daily diet can help your body fight infections as well as prevent illnesses such as colds and flus.

Another essential vitamin for your immune system, as well as for maintaining healthy bones, is vitamin D. Since this essential vitamin is most commonly produced by sun exposure, if you’re a student who rarely gets to spend time outdoors, or you live in a country with little sunlight, it’s important to consume foods containing this vitamin; cheese, egg yolks, oily fish, and fortified produce will all do the trick.

If you’re a student following a vegan or vegetarian diet, you may find it difficult to get the right vitamins and nutrients into your meals. Vitamin B12, for example, is significant in keeping nerve and blood cells healthy. However, it’s most commonly found in animal products.

In these cases, it’s important to take reliable supplements as well as have a decent understanding regarding the types of foods needed to ensure a well balanced diet and a strong immune system.

how to eat healthy as a college student

Now THIS will help keep you healthy.

2. Rethink your shopping habits

One of the best healthy eating tips for college students is to shop smart! Whether you’re too busy for regular food shops, or you’re simply trying to minimize your social contact, avoiding unnecessary trips to the supermarket by thinking ahead will encourage you to make healthier, more efficient choices.

Opting for frozen vegetables or healthy canned goods, for example, is a great way to ensure you are eating a balanced diet, even if you find yourself unable to leave the house. Whilst this might not sound like the best option compared to a diet of fresh produce, frozen vegetables and canned foods (like chickpeas or tinned fruit) can still be counted towards one of your five-a-day.

Stocking your cupboards and freezer with some long-life options will enable you to continue making healthy choices, even when your fridge is looking empty towards the end of the week.

For busy students, having some quick healthy meal options is also a great way to ensure you’re getting all the right vitamins when you don’t have the time or energy to cook a meal from scratch.

3. Plan meals

Maintaining a routine of eating three meals a day, with a few healthy snacks in between, is a great way to help you stay in control of your diet. Having a healthy meal plan for the week will help you gain a better picture of what nutrients you are getting as well as those which you might be lacking.

Doing so will also deter you from picking up any unhealthy snacks during your shopping, as well as help you to reduce waste as much as possible. 

calendar planner

Planning your meals ahead of time will set you up for success!

If you’re currently studying abroad, trying to establish a new routine can be challenging and you shouldn’t feel guilty about adopting different eating patterns during this time. However, maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best ways to help keep your immune system strong, along with exercising regularly and keeping smoking and drinking to a minimum.

4. Never skip breakfast

Cancelled or online classes might mean that you’re spending more time at home than ever before, and it could be tempting to stay in bed and skip your first meal. However, breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day, without which you will start to feel tired and fatigued as the day goes on.

Whether it’s a few pieces of fruit or a quick bowl of cereal, making sure you eat a nutritious breakfast is one of the best ways to stay in good health during lockdown. Not only does it refuel the body with nutrients and energy so you’re ready for the day, it will also help to ensure that you’re reaching your body’s daily nutritional requirements.

5. Make healthy snacks

For those students working from home, it’s easy to pick up unhealthy eating habits by snacking on comfort foods regularly throughout the day.

Instead of raiding the cupboard or the fridge for something to eat in between meals, fill up with foods high in fiber and protein, such as nuts and a variation of fruits. While this doesn’t mean cutting out favorites like chocolate and chips completely, it does mean having a good balance of both without overindulging.

Taking careful consideration when it comes to what you eat during this time can also help you strengthen your immune system. Try using snacking as a way to help your body fight off illness by consuming foods high in vitamins and antioxidants such as blueberries, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Keeping your immune system strong through diet alone is often not enough to help keep disease at bay, however. Any serious concerns you may have about your immune system or your health should be discussed with a medical professional.

As a student, seeking medical advice from the comfort of your own home through virtual healthcare services can be easily achieved if you have a good global healthcare plan in place.

6. Stay hydrated

hiker with hydraflask

Don’t underestimate the benefits of proper hydration.

As an online student, keeping up with your water intake can be difficult to keep on top of amid countless distractions. However, staying hydrated is extremely important in helping you feel energized by carrying nutrients and oxygen around your body. Other health benefits of staying hydrated include normalizing blood pressure, aiding digestion, and protecting your organs.

In order to reap these benefits, try drinking water and other healthy beverages (such as green tea) regularly throughout the day. If you struggle to keep on top of this, stick to a schedule of one glass of water every hour, or download a tracking app.

If you exercise regularly, it’s also important to remember to drink even more than normal to help replace water lost through sweating during exercising.

7. Try new recipes

If you find yourself looking for a new challenge or hobby whilst in isolation, try cooking some national dishes and traditional healthy meals of the country you are studying in (or hope to study in!). If you miss experiencing the culture of your new home abroad, this can be a great way to continue immersing yourself without having to leave your house.

Whether it's mastering dumplings or perfecting your chocolate souffle, there are countless healthy recipes online you can follow to help fill the time in isolation. If you’re a student living alone, or simply need some much needed human contact, try following a recipe with a fellow student, friend, or family member whilst video calling so you can learn something new together.

8. Give yourself a break

One of the best healthy eating tips for college students? Take it easy. It’s important to not feel pressured into dieting or undergoing huge dietary changes during this time. We are all experiencing massive alterations to our daily routines and, as a student, being thousands of miles away from family and friends back home (or adjusting to online courses) can become increasingly difficult. Allow yourself treats and comfort food every now and then to help boost your mood and avoid feeling overly restricted.

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Knowing how to eat healthy as a college student is a game-changer

...Especially during lockdown. But a few helpful healthy eating tips for college students can keep you on track to maintaining a healthy diet and boosting your immune system against illness.

healthy eating tips for college students

Build healthy habits—and stick to them.

Whether you’re at home taking online classes, or you’re still in the midst of studying abroad, these healthy eating tips will be the foundation of a balanced diet during lockdown. Try them out and see for yourself!

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