Can I Work in England? Yes! Read These FAQs First

Can I Work in England? Yes! Read These FAQs First

Matt Roesch
Last Updated Jul 20, 2023

Nothing demonstrates grit, perseverance, passion, and even pain better than work abroad in England! Whether you’re a newly-minted graduate, a gapper looking for real work-world experience, or a seasoned employee wanting a change, few opportunities can build your resume quicker and with more punch than working in England as an American.

Work abroad in England

Working abroad in England will be a colorful and bold experience.

The rumors you’ve heard are true: They’re a chippy bunch with nary a moment to spare for small talk and idle conversation, so get right to the point and skip the pleasantries.

You’ll come away from the experience with too many skills to name: increased language proficiency and cross-cultural communication, a go-getter attitude and know-how for applying yourself to a task, connections with colleagues who can guide you at work, and a more concise narrative about your work attitude and what you bring to the table. 

When you work and live abroad in England, you adapt to their lively culture—one that willingly gets a bit rowdy in the evenings but remains timely for afternoon tea. As the primary English-speaking country in Europe, you’ll also be surrounded by diverse travelers and tourists, all trying to perfect the Queen’s English. 

Work abroad programs in England offer a quick and dirty introduction to the international business world, since many global companies are headquartered in England and the language of business began there so many centuries ago. But don’t be fooled: You’re far from the days of Chaucer and the routes of trade and tales (though it helps to be versed in the reference). 

So pack your bags, stiffen your upper lip, and get ready to work abroad in England. It’s time to build that eye-catching resume that will get you noticed.

7 FAQs about expatriating to England

Work abroad in England

One major FAQ: Will I get to take a selfie in a red phone booth? Answer: Yes.

Working abroad in England is no walk in the park. Like many other work abroad options, there are positives and negatives to consider before biting the bullet and heading over. 

1. Why work abroad in England?

What makes work abroad in England more appealing than other countries? For one, the work options are nearly limitless thanks to England’s fully-developed economy and wide variety of available work. From teaching to bartending, you’ll only be held back by what you’re willing to do and what prior skills you have.

That’s why it’s extremely important to choose work abroad programs in England that will eventually help you in the career you want to build at home. This is also a key factor in building a badass resume that will make you stand out. 

Many resumes boast short term study abroad excursions in random countries, and this can be good way to highlight your willingness to take risks and try new things. But that’s not why you want to be working abroad in England.

[7 of the Best Work Abroad Programs in England]

Thanks to the many options to work and live abroad in England, you can be selective. If your career goal is to manage a bar and you need bartending experience, the vibrant pub scene and demanding clientele will push you to grow.

In turn, your resume for the next gig will look like a continuation of experience rather than just odd jobs here and there. Not to be overlooked, this is important for a functional resume that demonstrates not just a diversity of experiences, but a diversity within experiences.

This is just meant to serve as an example for the type of search you must conduct if you want to work and live abroad in England.

Not to mention, it will be really, really fun. Working abroad is another way to engage in the world and develop a newfound understanding and appreciation for destinations far from your hometown. Despite all of the unfamiliar, we have a hunch that you’ll hunker down in your budding belief that we—as in, our greater human family—aren’t actually all that different.

The work world in England is fast-paced and somewhat cutthroat; take advantage in return and use the experience to get some grit and harden yourself up for the next step in your career.

The presence of some of the top companies in the world means increased competition for positions and funding, cultivating in you a resourcefulness that will serve you throughout your life. It will also be a chance to network with international influencers who descend on England for similar career pursuits. Be sure to print some business cards!

Work abroad in England

If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

2. What are popular job types for expats in England?

Working abroad in England is synonymous with fulfilling every which career possibility, but here are some of the most oft-pursued opportunities by expats:

  • Become an au pair. You may at first scoff, but listen to this: au pairs have nearly all of their expenses paid for and the gig is a great way to begin a career connected to early childhood education, development, training, and so forth. There’s also this: au pairs who speak a language other than English are in demand and could potentially use the beginning gig to hop around the rest of Europe.
  • Work to become a chef. There are a fair amount of jobs in hotels, restaurants, and in catering available throughout the country, so why not build the resume toward your culinary career abroad? Sure, England’s cuisine might not be the greatest in the world, but your ability to learn it and cook it will demonstrate a versatility on your resume that others might not have.
  • Linguistics and teaching. One of the more obvious jobs for working abroad in England is clearly going to be teaching, in which case it will help to have a proficiency in English before going. On top of the experience, though, you can also earn credits toward your TEFL license and become certified to teach elsewhere. If you’re planning on doing any teaching in the future, this is a great first step. 

There are dozens of brilliant ways to work in England, so it just depends what experience you’re hungry for!

3. What are the best cities for working abroad in England?

London. No surprise here, the capital of England is one of the best destinations for all types of work. Enjoy riding the tube, check out the London stock exchange, and just generally bask in the greatness of a tech-, tourist-, and art-friendly hub. It’s also a great destination from which to travel the rest of Europe and see some more of the great culture in that part of the world.

Want something a little further afield? Check out Manchester. Pack your favorite hooligan cap—that hopefully doubles as a rain jacket—and get ready to enter a working class world. It’s a business-friendly atmosphere and home to a large textile industry, and women are particularly well-paid in the city (still less than men, but by a smaller margin).

Work abroad in England

When it comes to work abroad in England, you can feel free to venture further afield than London!

Feeling uber-scholarly? Consider Cambridge—with the world-renowned university of the same name nearby, Cambridge has a strong industry in research and development, pharmaceuticals, and the knowledge community. It also hosts Silicon Fen, a large gathering of high-tech industries which connect to many other companies, towns, and countries.

4. How much can you make while working abroad in England?

It’s quite hard to gauge what your working abroad in England salary may be because of the variety of jobs and rates of pay between each of them. That said, the average salary was about £25k and can fluctuate based on where you live and the cost of living there. 

But if this is a resume builder, the salary might just be secondary enough.

5. What types of accommodations are available—and do I need a visa?

Much of the housing in England is going to be apartment based, or flat in the local parlance, and it’s going to cost you a pretty pence. There are many opportunities to live with other foreigners who are also there for a short stay, or to even do homestays with inviting (and often paid) hosts who enjoy the cultural exchange.

Visas can be somewhat expensive but are relatively easy to get. Those who are in the Eurozone (at least for the moment) have a much easier time accessing a work visa, but the UK government hosts a website with lots of easy clicks and loads of good information. Be sure to read up on visa regulations before you work in the UK!

6. How can I be their best employee yet?

England is as prim and proper as it gets—if you have a job, be sure to show up on time, dress to the nines, and carry yourself like you belong. They’ll be able to sniff out any lack of confidence, so make sure not to show it!

But also, remember that you’re there to build your resume out and pad it with some helpful experiences, so it’s a short-term gig that you can take risks at and attempt things that you maybe wouldn’t elsewhere.

Show off a little, let them know you’re there to make a name for yourself, and ask for help from someone who knows what they’re doing. Young people are very involved in many different activities and clubs, so make sure to get out and get involved and network.

Work abroad in England

Maybe you’ll get to take the famed Underground to get to and from work?

7. What are some of the best work abroad programs in England?

There are dozens of different organizations that can help you secure jobs abroad in England, so how do you know which is more trustworthy or more reliable than others? We polled meaningful travelers and former expats in England to learn the best of the best, which includes organizations like BUNAC and Student Works. Be sure to check out our full article on this subject!

Next steps to finding work abroad in England

Now that you have the inside scoop and know where many would-be expats fail in their job hunt, it's time to choose who you want to work abroad through! Choosing a work abroad program isn't as hard as it sounds, especially if you follow these steps:

  • Decide where to go. Figuring out where YOU should work abroad is paramount. Have a short list of locations that sound ideal for your goals. Don't let your experience (or lack thereof!) hold you back—choose a place that's right for you.
  • Pick your job. Do some reflection on what skills and knowledge you bring to the table, and which type of company or organization—and role within—would best benefit from your time and energy.
  • Choose from the best work abroad programs in the world. Pay attention to past participants’ reviews, program/university reputation, location, and how the project's needs match your skills. Some programs may even share contact info for ambassadors or past participants if you want the REAL dirt. Here are more considerations to make as you figure out how to choose the right job program for you. Pro tip: You can use MyGoAbroad to compare programs side-by-side.
  • Plan your finances. Sort out funding before you go to afford daily essentials and splurge on travel (in addition to program costs and airfare). Learning how to save for jobs abroad is essential prior to your travels!
  • Get prepared! Preparing to work and move abroad is as fun as it sounds. With the days til departure number dwindling and your excitement boiling, it can be easy to overlook the details. Lean on us to help guide you through your pre-departure process—that's what we're here for.

Working abroad in England will be the adventure of a lifetime

Work abroad in England

Get out there and make your mark on the world with work abroad in England!

Working and living abroad in England is a great way to boost your resume and demonstrate your willingness to take risks and lead an adventurous work life. It can be financially challenging at times and even a little exhausting, but it will pay off in spades if you do it correctly.

Make sure to choose a job that fits your previously chosen career path. You’ll show continuity and a clear plan of action for future job posts, and even though you won’t say that directly on your resume, it will read that way to your future employers. Start thinking about that trajectory now and work abroad in England will be right around the corner.

Get Matched with 5 Work Abroad Programs in England for FREE!

Originally Published on Jun 17, 2019

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