Listening to your kids’ stories about their summer volunteering in India or teaching English in Costa Rica? Wondering why they get to have all the fun? Well you’re an empty nester now; go have your own adventure! Retire early and travel the world! Gap years aren’t just for teens and college grads trying to find themselves anymore. More and more eager adventurers over 50 are setting off on gap years of their own, and more and more companies are designing programs to suit them.
Authentic travel experiences and meaningful intercultural exchanges are not restricted to the young. You’re never too old to learn a new skill or intern in a new field. Maybe you’re a retired teacher who still loves being in the classroom: go teach English abroad. Maybe you’re a former accountant who has a secret passion for cooking: go take a cooking course, or five. A gap year for over 50s is a perfect opportunity to discover new places, meet new people, and learn new skills.
Gap year over 50s FAQs
Read on to get all of your deepest questions—and fears—about taking a gap year for over 50s answered and attended to.
1. Who can retire and travel the world? EVERYONE!
Just because your kids haven’t been listening to your financial wisdom, doesn’t mean you haven’t been putting it to good use. Right? Gap years come in many shapes and sizes, which means they can be adapted for most interests and lifestyles.
Are you a professor who can take a sabbatical? Is there a book you’ve been dying to research and write? Are you more technologically fluent than society gives you credit for? Maybe you can give the digital nomad life a try. Are you a new empty-nester? Instead of turning your daughter’s room into a craft room, take a trip and learn about another culture’s textiles and crafts.
2. Where can I go on a gap year for 50 plus?
EVERYWHERE. You can even go to Antarctica! The world is getting smaller and international travel is easier than it’s ever been before. However, some countries are still easier and more accessible than others. If you’re going to need easy access to medical facilities, you might consider a more westernized country or at least stick to bigger, more modern cities. Altitude and climate are also important factors to consider.
Cost of living may be another factor for you. You might not as willing to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor for $2 a night as your kids. If you’re looking to work abroad for a bit, consider that countries like Australia and New Zealand place age limits on their working holiday visas. And island hopping in Greece is quite popular amongst party-seeking college students from around the world.
3. What types of activities are popular for a retirement gap year?
So many things! Here’s just a snapshot of the adventures to be had when you retire early and travel the world (or on time… ain’t nothing wrong with that!).
- There are tons of other shorter-term opportunities to volunteer abroad out there, from marine research to teaching English. With the right research, you can find a program that will allow you to have a meaningful impact without the huge time commitment of Peace Corps opportunities for seniors.
- You can stay with a local family and learn about another way of life. Friendliness and an eagerness to learn and to share know no age limits. Who says you can’t master Mandarin in your golden years?! Homestay programs are always a fun choice!
- Well, there is no age limit for the Peace Corps! There’s quite a bit of flexibility with length of service, destination, and the type of work you do too, even for a gap year for over 50s. In fact, there are several Peace Corps opportunities for seniors.
- Take some classes. Get another degree. Learn a new language. Learn how to do that thing you’ve always wanted to learn. Study abroad isn’t just for college kids anymore! Here are our favorite language immersion programs for seniors, too.
- Sail around the world! For instance, Semester at Sea’s Lifelong Learners program invites adult learners aged 30 and up to join a voyage and hit the open waters. If the pirate’s life hasn’t been for you so far, it might be now!
- Teach. There’s no age limit for TEFL certification, and many countries around the world happily welcome seniors teaching English. This can be a meaningful way for you to mentor others, to teach valuable skills, and to finance your travels. You can even find other options for paid work abroad for over 50s if teaching isn’t your thing.
And while formal gap year and travel programs for seniors are pretty great, we have a hunch that if you just go, you’ll have a meaningful travel experience, too! Your retirement gap year does not have to be structured. Travel a bit and see what happens. Maybe you’ll like a place so much you’ll decide to stay for a while and study or volunteer!
4. How much will this all cost?
That is entirely up to you! Choose a country with a lower cost of living, try a work exchange for free room and board, or do some teaching to make money on the road. Most organized programs will come with a fee beyond your day-to-day expenses. You could also take advantage of the wisdom that comes with age and plan your own retirement gap year. And to be honest, you’ve worked hard enough, for long enough. Why not retire early and travel the world?! Or at least spend some of those hard-earned savings on the adventure you’ve always dreamed of.
[Tips & Tricks to Cover Your Gap Year Cost]
5. What about my house? My car? My kids? What additional considerations should I make considering I’m in my golden years?
Questions like these often lead to the biggest barriers for taking a gap year for 50 plus. But in all actuality, it is only YOU who is letting these be hindrances. You could just as well sell it all and become nomads. If that doesn’t appeal to you, find a renter for your house and let your kids drive your car on the condition they return it how they found it. Consider Airbnb or a house sitting service. There are websites out there that match house sitting opportunities with travelers. You can take advantage of this too and look after someone’s home in exchange for a place to stay.
Your kids will be bragging that they’ve got really cool parents! If you find a place to stay for a bit, invite them to come visit. A retirement gap year could be the excuse you’ve been looking for to de-clutter your home.
6. What about my health?
Only you know your limits. The variety of gap year programs available means you can find the program that fits your circumstances. Travel insurance can be very easy to access and quite affordable too. With more and more providers designing programs geared towards gap year for over 50s, there are plenty of programs that understand your needs are going to be very different from the dirty backpacking stories your daughter told you.
Discovering new cultures and ways of life during your retirement gap year could introduce you to new possibilities for staying healthy. (There’s an island in Japan where it’s common to live to 100 and beyond! Go find out their secret and report back please?)
[Health Insurance Abroad FAQs]
7. Is it worth it?
There’s only one way to find out! Sometimes life gets in the way. We get busy with work, mortgages and home repairs, kids, paying for college, and the family dog. Is there somewhere you’ve always wanted go or something you’ve always wanted to try? A retirement gap year could be a great opportunity to finally do it.
Things worked out for the guy from Up. Why wouldn’t it for you?
Four recommended programs for a gap year for over 50s
1. Global Vision International (GVI)
GVI has been running volunteer conservation and community development programs in countries around the world for twenty years—including some great options for a gap year for retired people. They strive to ensure their programs have a positive impact on the communities they are trying to help, and the volunteers themselves. Like us, GVI believes you’re never too old to have an adventure, and has been running programs for the 50 plus crowd for several years. With over 100 volunteer programs around the world ranging from marine conservation to healthcare and teaching, you’re sure to find something that speaks to you.
- Where? Worldwide
- What? Volunteering projects
- More info: Read GVI reviews
The International TEFL Academy helps over 5,000 people get certified every year. With twenty five locations worldwide, there are so many possibilities for your gap year. The international TEFL Academy gives you all of the tools you need to be a successful English teacher in the destination of your dreams. They’ll help you find the right TEFL course, help you become TEFL certified, and when you’re done they’ll help you look for and land the perfect job.
- Where? Worldwide, but Asia highly-recommended
- What? Teaching English abroad
- More info: Read International TEFL Academy reviews
3. Maximo Nivel Native Spanish Program
Do you remember any of the Spanish you learned in high school? Nope, neither do we. Maybe if we could learn Spanish from our Peruvian host family, or at a local market in Guatemala, we’d do better. Well, Maximo Nivel programs offer the opportunity to learn Spanish while immersed in local culture. Language learning may be easier for younger brains, but Maximo Nivel thinks it’s possible at any age.
- Where? Peru, Guatemala, Mexico
- What? Spanish language learning, volunteering, internships
- More info: Read Maximo Nivel reviews
Projects Abroad runs programs specifically for volunteers over 50, who are eager to give back to developing communities around the world. Grown-up Specials, as these 50 plus programs are called, are designed to give volunteers the opportunity to do the most good possible in two weeks. Immerse yourself in local culture, learn about other cultures and lifestyles, meet new people, and give back all at the same time. With Projects Abroad you’ve got five unique opportunities to travel with purpose.
- Where? Worldwide
- What? Volunteering
- More info: Read Projects Abroad reviews
Retire early and travel the world! → Not just a pipe dream
So, still think kids get to have all the fun? Neither do we. Why not retire early and travel the world with a gap year for over 50s? Maybe make a difference while you’re at it. It’s what the cool (older) kids are doing. You can be over 50 and be hip and trendy at the same time.
The world has a lot to show you, but you’ve got a lot to offer the world too.
Ready for a gap year that will make your kids jealous? Go for it! And if you’re not sure where to start, get some help from GoAbroad’s online advisors.